Grant Programs

History of Grants

Since the foundation has been established in 2001 we have distributed over $300,000 in grants. For the entire list of recipients and projects, click here.

Grant Program Overview

The Maynard Education Foundation is looking to fund those proposals that bring innovative ideas to the Maynard Public Schools and provide opportunities for staff and students that are not typically covered by the district budget. Historically, MEF Grants have ranged from $50 to $4500. Larger grants may be considered if the project is deemed to have a broad, and potentially significant impact in the Maynard Public Schools.

MEF awards 3 different types of grants:

Teacher & Staff Grants

Funds may be used to pay for materials, resources, guest speakers, conferences, and professional development and learning opportunities.

  1. Teacher & Staff Grants
    Funds may be used to pay for materials, resources, guest speakers, conferences, and professional development and learning opportunities.
  2. Leadership (Administrator) Grants
    Leadership Grants are for administrators who are seeking to make a difference throughout the school system.
  3. Student Grants
    MEF’s Student Grant is a unique opportunity for students to apply for funding of student-conceived and student-led projects aimed at improving the Maynard Public Schools (MPS). Applications must be made in collaboration with a MPS educator or staff member who will act as a mentor and assist the student grantee throughout project’s lifecycle. The grantee’s MPS educator/staff member will work with the student grantee to disperse and manage the funds and will be responsible for any grant monies.

General Guidelines

  • MEF is looking to fund innovative ideas that will enhance educational excellence in the Maynard Public Schools. Your application is your chance to share your idea and how it would have a positive impact on you and your students.
  • MEF grants are intended to provide opportunities within the school system that would not be available otherwise.
  • Please include links to any supplemental information that may be relevant to your application.
  • Travel Policy: MEF will reimburse up to 50% of the travel costs associated with a grant request, up to a maximum of $2,500.
  • Applications should include and clearly state:
    • The project goals/objectives
    • The potential benefit to MPS students and staff
    • An implementation plan (including a timeline)
    • An evaluation plan (how the project’s impact will be measured.)**
    • How information and knowledge gained, and/or stories about the grant will be shared and disseminated with others.
    • Detailed budget information
    • The potential for the project, if successful, to be adopted into the school curriculum/budget in the future. If the project continues in future years, who will be responsible for any future oversight?

** MEF’s grant program provides opportunities to pilot new ideas. MEF encourages teachers and staff to use funds to experiment. Not all of the grants have yielded the intended results.

Grant Requirements

  1. Projects should be completed within 12 months from the grant award. Please contact if you have any questions or concerns regarding the project timeline.
  2. Submit a Project Review Questionnaire upon completion of the project.
  3. Present the results of the grant at MEF’s Celebration of Teaching and Learning event in May (Date TBD, held after school.)
  4. Please acknowledge MEF’s support in any printed grant materials or online documentation about the grant by including the following statement: “This project was made possible by the Maynard Education Foundation.”
  5. Provide MEF with any photographs, work samples, and/or any other visuals that may be used for publicity purposes.
  6. Work with the sponsoring school or district to ensure that all materials purchased with grant funds remain the property of MPS.
  7. Provide all receipts to My Nguyen ( in the MPS Admin office.
  8. Label durable items that are purchased with grant funding with: “Provided by Maynard Education Foundation” and/or the MEF logo. (MEF can provide labels as needed.)

Grant Applications & Procedures

  • As part of your application process, please make your school Principal, the Director of Curriculum, or Director of Technology (if applicable) aware of your request.
  • Grant applications are reviewed on a rolling basis, at monthly meetings. Applications will be considered until May 2025, or until such time that MEF’s annual grant budget has been exceeded.
  • Applications must be received the Friday before MEF’s monthly board meetings.

2024-2025 MEF Board Meetings

  • September 10, 2024
  • October 8, 2024
  • November 12, 2024
  • December 10, 2024
  • January 14, 2025
  • February 11, 2025
  • March 11, 2025
  • April 8, 2025
  • May 13, 2025
  • June 10, 2025

Apply for a MEF Grant

Questions? Contact Us!

We are here to help! If you are unsure whether your idea might be a good fit for MEF’s grant program, please don’t hesitate contact us at with any questions.